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Writer's pictureSilvia Maurer

Why the School System is Failing our Children…(Mathew Crawford on Doc Malik podcast)

Recently, a relative of mine posted her story of frustration, heart ache, love for her child, and an appeal to understanding and support on social media. It didn’t surprise me at all to read multiple comments of similar problems. There are a LOT of parents who share their family’s fate. It spoke to the core of my being, because I was reminded of the struggles my brother had as a child. My parents would come home from parent night all frustrated, then take him to the side and talk to him that he just “couldn’t fidget all the time, had to sit still to not interrupt class and pay attention instead of looking out the window daydreaming and for crying out loud to listen to the teacher!” I will also never forget how desperate that little boy looked. How MUCH he wanted to make our parents happy.

To say that he hated school would be the understatement of all times. Let me take the suspense out of my brother’s story right away: He did finish all the schooling he needed – some through alternative routes – founded his own company, successfully invented and developed products, is a master in problem solving and has taught himself everything he needed to know to become successful, while school had miserably failed him.

Then, just yesterday, I listened to a podcast of Doc Malik, interviewing Mathew Crawford, a genius in math and numbers. (I couldn’t believe that Doc hadn’t heard of the Fibonacci sequence, lol). Crawford tells the story of how he learned math through games and how he looked at math problems as some fun puzzle that he was intrigued to solve. Playfully, he would count steps, then he would add up steps, then he would multiply them to the point, where was able to explain the concept of square root to his 6-year-old friend, when he himself was only five. Having never set foot in the school system, he just had a natural curiosity for numbers. When he started school and saw his first math book, he disliked it, because it took all the fun out of math. Now, is everybody a hidden math genius? Certainly not, but did we take all the fun out of learning? OMG! Yes! I DO think so!

I am blessed to live in an area that has a lot of Amish communities. In the summer, they don’t have school at all. The girls learn to follow the mother and take up skills like housework, cooking, knitting, sewing and taking care of small animals from an early age. The boys follow and get taught skills such as woodworking, large animal husbandry and its use in the field to plow, sow and harvest. They are outside in the sun, getting their Vitamin D, strengthening their immune system, always “getting their steps in” and breathing fresh air most of the day.

Their parents don’t rub toxic chemicals like sunscreen or store-bought lotion on their little bodies. Their parents also don’t feed them toxic cereals like Kellog’s, where I just protested in Battle Creek, MI, to beg them to sell the same formula as they sell in Europe and Canada. In Europe, food dies and many other chemicals are illegal, but here, we feed them to kids without hesitation, because the FDA will surely protect us, right? WRONG! Often, today’s CEO of a company will be on tomorrow’s FDA advisory board, then happily move on to the NIH and so forth. It’s a revolving door of corruption and poisoning, which only lines the pockets of those giants while doing harm to us mere mortals, most of all our vulnerable kids. After two hours of protesting – I kid you not – they put a sign in their window: “GET OFF OF OUR LAWN!” Let THAT sink in…

Not that I would touch ANY of their – or other cereal manufacturing giants’ for that matter - products with a ten-foot pole, I’m actually openly asking everyone, wo reads this blog to BOYCOTT them. If you want healthy cereal, buy a bag of organic rolled oats and pour fresh/raw milk over it and add maybe some honey or organic maple syrup to sweeten the healthy deal for kids.

So many dis-eases start in the gut…

Thinking about how I would tackle the problem of my desperate relative, I thought first about the nutritional aspect. But right afterwards the suggestion to just take her child out of school and teach him at home, in a more loving and less stressful environment came to mind. I know that I would, had I known then, what I do know now.

Thinking of my brother, I wish my parents would have sided with him rather than enforcing the strict classroom rules and quite literally, albeit unintentionally, torturing a five-year-old to not only switch hands, but to sit still and obey. How absolutely CRUEL this was! Children are supposed to move, to jump, to run, to play in the dirt in the sun, in puddles in the grass!

Ever since I’ve woken up to the toxins in our lives, the influence of the Rockefellers in medicine and education, the systematic brainwashing through media over the past decades, I regret the fact that I didn’t wake up sooner and home schooled. I applaud every young mom, who is smarter than I was and keeps her children under her own loving wing rather than trust them into a system that is designed to estrange them from their own families, neighbors and communities.

My brother is still one of the smartest people I know, still one of the most capable problem solvers. So I DO know first-hand that it IS possible to come out of the forced school system and succeed in life, but I KNOW that my brother primarily learned from watching my dad build things, solve problems and invent things.  

Our parents raised us children to become do-it-yourselfers. I, for example, can be an amazing cook and host, when we have guests; can be carpenter, when the kitchen needs cabinets; can be a tile-layer, gardener, hemp grower, CBD-product manufacturer, skin care products manufacturer, soap and shampoo bar producer, food advocate and even doctor (recently certified as naturopath, because the CoNvid scam drove me into questioning EVERYTHING!)… my motto is that I can do anything I put my mind to.

With hindsight, I wish I would have been not only a stay-at-home mom, but also a home-schooling mom. I wish I would have recognized the brain washing psy-op sooner and protected my children from it. But it’s too late to cry over spilled milk. It’s time for mopping it up and prevent further spillings/accidents/brainwashing/propagandizing/sacrificing and weaponizing our children. It’s time that we as parents take back the responsibility to control our children’s happiness, to see when they are struggling and to relief them from their struggles by whatever means necessary.

Parents are supposed to and desperately WANT to raise happy children. It’s the SYSTEM that’s messed up. The system that converts our individually energetic and positive children into uniformed robots that are ready to play their role in the cog to slave away at some level of survival mode to make it pay-check to pay-check financially, because Big Corp is greedily sweeping up all the gains for themselves.

It’s all by design. They don’t WANT you to succeed; they don’t WANT you to be financially independent; they don’t WANT you to be happy, they don’t WANT you to think CRITICALLY; they don’t WANT you to THINK. PERIOD! Because once you start thinking about everything that THEY have been telling you, you’ll figure out that most of it is based on a network of lies.

I really hope that this relative, who I admire very much, because she truly IS trying to be the perfect mom, can open her eyes to what’s going on in the school system. I know that her sensitive child is so full of love, positivity and activity. The teachers can be perfectly lovable and passionate human beings, but even they cannot escape the rigid environment of standardized testing and restricted movement that our children are exposed to against their very biological nature.

IT’S THE SYSTEM and we have to tear it apart and go back to the roots to teaching children useful things: woodworking, home-economics, gardening, how to balance your finances, biology of man, animals and plants, make music, knitting, sewing and crocheting… Once there is purpose in learning, there is opportunity for fun, creativity and passion to unfold. Positive enforcements by designing a bridge out of pop-sickle sticks might be a better way to grasp math, geometry as well as construction and structural problems. While one student might be totally talented to knit some socks, another may enjoy sewing a blanket, run the fastest, have a green thumb or write entertaining stories! When have we messed the school system up so thoroughly that we completely disregard the individuality of children?!

To “grasp” something, means to understand it. But we have to let children quite LITERALLY “grasp” different things and let them “take them apart” in their own more or less intentional way, so they can “grasp” the concept. Schools need to convey those concepts in a fun, practical and casual manner so that we don’t extinguish that delicate developing spirit before it even gets a chance to unfold. We need to support THE WAY our children are learning as individual little humans, not to force them to learn that ONE way that’s systemically en-FORCED, sadly socially accepted… and carried out on the backs of our small, innocent and helpless children.

We HAVE to stop poisoning and numbing the minds of our kids and rather nourish them with ideas and pay attention to the way THEY learn the best and what THEY would like learn! Mathew Crawford seems to have it figured out, if your children struggle in the field of math. If you’re not quite radical enough to take your kid out of school and start homeschooling, then do your child the favor and check out his website to download programs that will have a more fun-filled approach to grasping math problems. (

Let’s break the system, so that we can build up our children.

Let’s stop to poison the bodies, minds and souls of our children.

Love the little ones and protect them.

Because, if we do NOT protect them TODAY, we will have no adults TOMORROW to fight for a world that’s worth living in.     

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